Position Your Place of Birth on the Map to Gain Clarity on the REAL Beginning of Your Story for ReStorians
When designing a map of your life, your place of birth (POB) should be at the center. Right?
That depends on the importance you want to place on it and the path you’ve taken through life up to this point in time.
Where you choose to place that special location on your map says a great deal about its influence on your life.
The location of my POB
I was born in San Antonio, Texas in the the United States. Much like the location of your birth, I didn’t choose to be born there. It just happened to be the place where I came of age and learned early lessons about life.
I don’t say that to shit on my hometown. But I mention it to make the point that:
nobody chooses their POB, but you CAN choose its significance in your story.
An Initial Analysis of my POB
When I think of my hometown, my family and friends come to mind. My early childhood memories and exposure to American and Mexican culture are in the frame as well.
But what does it look like when I zoom out of that faded historical photograph?
Ah, that’s where I gain some perspective about the man I am today as opposed to the boy in the picture.
Upon inspection, I see a location I knew from an early age was not in alignment with the person I wanted to be. It just never fit.
I notice my attempts to return there (physically and psychologically) have been met with mounting obstacles and frustrations over the years.
What used to be an anticipated ceremony of return, has devolved into a hollow ritual, devoid of warmth and attention.
A cold place? Yes. With sparse lighting filtering through the crooked trees covering dry grassy lowlands.
In the context of my personal map, the metaphorical plains that represent San Antonio are not at the center.
It’s in some distant corner — I picture lower right — with the hard boundaries of a difficult to traverse bog on one side and the rigid ends of the map on the others.
These are my initial thoughts on the location of my POB on my new and updated map. We’ll see how it holds up after I descend to the ground and truly begin my survey.
You as a reStorian (a person who embarks on the inner journey to reclaim your personal story through map design) would do well to remember this exercise and apply it to the narrative of your life.
Here are some prompts to help you do that.
Consider these questions and statements
How did I feel about my POB as I was growing up?
How did it feel to leave for the first time? (if you left)
(If you never left) How does it feel living there?
(If you want to stay) Why? (Be honest here)
(If you want to leave) Why? (Be honest)
(If you left) Why did I leave?
(If you left) How do I feel about your POB now? — zoom out from the frame- Would I go back to live there again? Why?
What physical feelings come up when I think of my POB? (Warm — comfort, satisfaction. Cold — disconnection, stress) — starting with the climate of the area can help with this one -
Ponder the difference between the two above responses.
Which one do you gravitate toward? Which one has a stronger emotional pull (good or bad). That’s the manifestation of your POB on your map.
(Will expand this section in the future with more questions and examples later)